Owner, Don Irvine
(905) 894-3303
314 Ridge Rd N, Ridgeway, ON L0S 1N0

A professional in real estate appraisal and accounting, and retail store owner, Don Irvine will greet you with a smile, share a laugh or two and set you up with some trendy duds from his storefront in downtown Ridgeway. Save your gas money and avoid Toronto traffic the next time you need to shop for the upcoming season. Don will get your covered. Display your receipt from Mike’s Hair Studio within 30 days of purchase to get 10% off regular price at The Lonely Guy – Men’s Boutique.

When Don isn’t at the counter checking out customers he is busy behind the scenes performing individual and business tax accounting. Give him a call or drop by the store to discuss your accounting needs. I am thrilled to have Don as my tax accountant.